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About the AADC

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Inspire, connect, promote.

The forum that binds this vibrant, thriving industry ranging from design to advertising, digital, print, sound and content is the Adelaide Advertising & Design Club — affectionately known as the AADC.

Now in its 48th year, the club was one of the first of its type in Australia and remains one of the most admired in the country for its professionalism.

It is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation, fuelled by a committee that boasts some of the most senior people in the state and is supported by those looking to make their big break.

The Club operates thanks to sponsorship dollars from businesses from all corners of the industry.

Most importantly, the Club exists for the betterment of our members.

We're committed and driven to deliver on our purpose of inspiring, connecting and promoting our members and the industry at large, through a series of events, initiatives and more.