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29 June 2020

The AADC AGM will be held at 6PM on Monday 29th June, via Zoom.

Proposed changes to the AADC Constitution.

The current committee of the AADC has voted unanimously to change the Club’s current Constitution. To a large, but not material extent, they propose members adopt a new Constitution.

The reasons for this are fair-minded and reasonable, and do not in any way alter the fundamental purpose or governance of the Club.

The proposed changes do however, provide greater flexibility for current and future committee members to make minor structural and operational changes.

By way of example, in order to broaden the Club’s reach, build a stronger link between the industry and tertiary institutions, and engage with future industry representatives, in 2019 the AADC Executive Committee introduced free membership for students.

The current Constitution however, makes no provision for free membership. Therefore the Club is in fact, in breach of its Constitution and is obliged to revoke the 60+ student memberships.

Likewise, the current committee believes, where it is appropriate, Latin phrases currently contained within the Constitution, such as mutatis mutandis, should be translated to plain English to ensure all members fully understand the document and its intent.

The current committee believes it is fair and reasonable to provide current and future committees with the ability to make such operational decisions without having to call for an Extraordinary Meeting of Members or wait until the Annual General Meeting is convened, to vote on such changes.

However, the proposed new Constitution, will ensure all members are made fully aware of any recommended changes well in advance and should they oppose any such changes, have the ability to challenge them and call for a vote of members.

In regard to a members’ vote, the new Constitution will also provide for an on-line poll of members in addition to the current requirement of a physical meeting being convened.

Please take the time to read the proposed new Constitution and be prepared to vote on it at the upcoming AGM on 29th June.

If you would like to nominate for a position on the AADC Executive please fill out and return this form to

If you cannot attend please fill out the proxy form downloadable here and return it to

For review