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10 June 2015

We are excited to announce that the AADC is partnering the SA branch of the Australian Graphic Design Association Ltd (AGDA) to further strengthen South Australia’s vibrant creative community.

With more than 2,600 members, AGDA is the peak national organisation representing the Australian graphic design industry and, like us, is dedicated to providing a program of activities in education, advocacy and professional development for its members.

AADC Co-President Josh Welbourn said recent strategic partnerships with The Communications Council (TCC) Adelaide, the SA branch of the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) and now AGDA will allow all parties to further promote and maintain high standards of creativity in South Australia.

“Forming an official alliance with AGDA will directly benefit our members, allowing them greater access to creative recourses in South Australia, while also facilitating access to additional creative and educational opportunities in 2015,” Josh said.

“AADC members will now be able to attend select AGDA events at reduced rates, meaning further opportunity to attend both social and education events throughout the year.

“These events are great for networking and will offer the opportunity to collaborate on future projects to push the limits of creativity and excellence in our industry,” he said.

Both organisations will Co-Sponsor one another and focus on fostering existing relationships and creating new ones, to show support at both educational and networking events and awards shows.

AGDA SA Chairman Shane Keane is excited by the alliance and sees many mutual benefits for both AGDA and AADC members.

“AGDA seeks to create a vibrant community that is open to creatives of all types, this partnership is part of realising that aim,” Shane said.

“By working with the AADC and welcoming their members to our events —and vice-versa—we strengthen both organisations.

“AGDA have a few events in the pipeline that really bring the worlds of advertising and design together. We look forward to seeing more AADC faces over at our events—and not just for the main event, but to hang around for a drink and a chat afterwards,” he said.

We firmly believe that in partnership, both clubs will play a pivotal role in the creative collaboration necessary to enable sustainable success for local professionals for years to come.

Do you want to be a part of this exciting new collaborative? Become a part of something powerful and become a member of the AADC and AGDA today.